A Big, Fast, Robust Step-Scanning MEMS Mirror Delivers Better LiDAR

LiDAR’s potential to transform autonomous systems is massive—yet technical shortcomings in its optical subsystems have delayed its widespread acceptance. That’s about to change. Tech Briefs Editor Ed Brown interviewed Eric Aguilar, CEO of Omnitron Sensors, about the ways in which Omnitron’s new step-scanning MEMS mirror is enhancing LiDAR’s capabilities while bringing LiDAR in line with BOM costs for robotic systems. Read the article.

This MEMS Scanning Mirror Could Solve LiDAR’s Expensive Autonomous Vehicle Challenges

Tech Briefs Author Woodrow Bellamy interviewed Omnitron Sensors Co-founder & CEO Eric Aguilar about the evolution of LiDAR sensors in autonomous navigation systems. Eric reveals how long-standing inadequacies in LiDAR sensors–from fragility and performance issues to high cost–have prevented LiDAR sensors from meeting the rigorous demands of the automotive industry. Until now. Omnitron’s new LiDAR sensor solves the problems that have limited LiDAR. Read the article.

MEMS scanner for lidar unveiled

Electronics360 Editor Peter Brown writes about Omnitron Sensors’ manufacturing collaboration with Silex Microsystems, the world’s leading pure-play MEMS foundry. Omnitron Co-founder & CEO Eric Aguilar positions the two companies’ relationship as “a major step forward for the microelectronics industry,” which “mitigates the manufacturing complexity that has limited the growth of MEMS to date.”

Read the story.