Startup Validates its MEMS Scanning Mirror Process for LiDARs

Startup Validates its MEMS Scanning Mirror Process for LiDARs

Setting out to overcome the drawbacks of today’s LiDAR mirror alternatives, Omnitron Sensors has crafted a 3D MEMS technology fit for low-cost, high-volume markets. The LiDAR subsystem market continues to gain momentum, with forecasts of $2.3 billion by 2026 according to Yole Développement. Aiming to capitalize on that, today, Omnitron Sensors announced that it has validated its process for a MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) scanning mirror.

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Claiming a New MEMS Topology, Startup Promises ‘Disruption’

Claiming a New MEMS Topology, Startup Promises ‘Disruption’

The performance of MEMS devices has stagnated because MEMS manufacturing process technologies have failed to advance significantly. An Los Angeles-based startup believes it can fix that. Omnitron Sensors claims to have proven its new process technology through development of an optical subsystem for MEMS lidar. Industry experts want to see Omnitron’s patents before judging whether “disruptive” is the word that applies to the new manufacturing process technology.

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