Meet with Omnitron Sensors at MEMS & Imaging Sensors Summit 2024

How are MEMS and imaging technologies creating a more connected and intelligent world? Exchange ideas and information with some of the leading minds in sensor technology at MEMS & Imaging Sensors Summit, which is hosted by SEMI Europe and MEMS & Sensors Industry Group and which takes place November 14 at the International Conference Center Munich (ICM), Germany.
Join Omnitron Sensors CEO & Co-founder Eric Aguilar at the conference, where he’ll present, New Topology for MEMS Advances Performance and Speeds Manufacturing (5:25 pm November 14, 2024).
Eric will explain how Omnitron’s new topology for MEMS — process IP that rearranges existing modules to streamline the assembly process and improve capacitance per unit area —increases device performance and accelerates the production of MEMS devices for price-sensitive, high-volume markets.
Learn more about Eric’s presentation:
Register for MEMS & Sensors Imaging Summit – which is co-located with electronica 2024:
Or contact Omnitron Sensors for more information: